by Emily McKee
Its very rare that I can't force myself to finish a book, however since I couldn't do it on this one I can't rate it either. Too many negatives to list and since they overwhelmingly outweigh the positives I'll save the review for when I can come up with some. :/
A big ass flounce on this one. It was a freebie, so I figured why not, the summary sounded good. I guess it could have been good, but I cannot stand the writing. The dialogue is idiotic and Iz is written like one. Which I am sure was not at all intended.
3.5/5 new adult contemporary romance. I liked book one and would read others.
I am so sad I DNF'd at 30% It was just like reading Beautiful Disaster!!Don't get me wrong I LOVED Beautiful Disaster but if I wanted to read that then I would read it not one which has so many similarities it was hilarious :( :( :( :(