by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Please note that I gave this book 2.5 stars but rounded up to 3 stars on Goodreads. For those of you who watched Sex and the City 2 (look none of us like to admit we watched it, but come on, we did, it was bad, but we totally watched it) remember there is a whole storyline about Big and Carrie getti...
After I Do was a thought-provoking novel about one woman’s year long journey to bring the love back into her marriage. What she learns along the way is profound, life-changing, and it ultimately makes her a stronger person. ‘Do I get back together with the man I used to love? Or do I start over, no...
What a wonderful, realistic, gut-wrenching, fantastic read! I adored this book so much.Ryan and Lauren have been married a long time, having met in college, and have come to a point in their lives where they realize they aren't happy. There is resentment and anger boiling at the surface and they'v...
We all want to read books that make us feel all the emotions. After I Do made me laugh, cry, and feel anguish. Both Lauren and Ryan are strong-willed people, but sometimes it’s really hard to keep a marriage strong. They do the best thing they can think of without getting a divorce. I think Laure...
Interesting blurb. Most said they loved it. Now I'm curious because...
3.5 star read
I LOVED this book! Review to come.BLURB:When Lauren and Ryan’s marriage reaches the breaking point, they come up with an unconventional plan. They decide to take a year off in the hopes of finding a way to fall in love again. One year apart, and only one rule: they cannot contact each other. Aside f...
Title: After I Do Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid Genre: Women’s Fiction Publisher: Atria Books Publication Date: July 1, 2014 Format: egalley via Netgalley Synopsis ( My rating: 5 of 5 stars My review (published at Read, Run, Ra...