طبعا كلنا عارفين استعباط إدارة موقع الجود ريدز فيما يخص كتاب الله العزيز و إصرارهم على تسمية المؤلف على هواهم على خلاف رغبة المسلمين على الموقع .. و قد حاول الكثير من الشباب تغيير الأمر لكن ظل الكتاب على ما هو عليه!طيب إيه الحل؟إيه رأيكم نعمل ريفيو جماعي و نخليه لتعريف غير المسلمين بالقرآن .. لايكات...
As is my custom with sacred literature, I am more concerned with the writing and less so with the content, and I hope this warning makes my rating choice clear.It's all too easy to build and tear down giant straw-religions in our spare time, but it's only by closely examining the religion's texts th...
Reading/studying the Quran for the course of Ramadan.
Have other people noticed that the Qur'an is listed here as being by Allah, whereas the Bible is by "Anonymous"? If I were a Christian, I think that would leave me feeling just a little annoyed._________________________________________Since I posted this review, the entry has been changed, and the Q...
should be a must read for any serious student of religion