Ashes of Betrayal is the first installment in The magicis Chronicles - an adult, dark fantasy series detailing the lives of the royal families of the Homo sapiens magicis races: magi, aelfar, mercurati, reliqui, dreyrinyta, therianthrope, and their hybrid creations. It begins forty years after...
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Ashes of Betrayal is the first installment in The magicis Chronicles - an adult, dark fantasy series detailing the lives of the royal families of the Homo sapiens magicis races: magi, aelfar, mercurati, reliqui, dreyrinyta, therianthrope, and their hybrid creations. It begins forty years after the Balance of Life tipped dangerously toward planetary destruction and the magicis stepped out of the shadows of human myths and legends in order to right the Balance. Their revelation showed the humans that their stories of vampires, witches, angels, mermaids, and shifters were – mostly – wrong. It also incited the greatest war known to man. But the aftermath of the war led to a peaceful, balanced Earth. So it seems. Now, the consequences of their actions and maintaining the Balance define their every breath. They just don’t know it yet.
In 2033, eighteen-year-old Hybrid Princess Araleesi Dragori has the elaborate carpet of her perfect life ripped out from underneath her when another ruling family poisons and kidnaps her. She wakes up in the darkest place imaginable in the post-war world, Ironhold. This ancient prison in England is designed to hold the world’s worst criminals. But Araleesi is no criminal, and the Warden and the guards refuse to tell her why she’s there. Or even what the date is. Left in the dark for years with no answers and no sunlight, she silently endures physical and emotional torment and fights to hold on to her sanity. And her life.
After ascending to his reign as the Aelfr King in 2040, Asher Dragorion discovers the past that haunts him isn't as dead as he thinks it is. The forgotten princess in the prison tower only scratches the surface of well-kept secrets and lies among the magicis royal families. Now, Asher wants nothing more than to keep her alive, and he needs to uncover the truths behind unknown betrayals if he’s going to do so. But the deceit goes much deeper than he ever could have imagined.
For Asher and Araleesi, the ashes of ten thousand years of betrayals is where the answers are and where their connection to the Balance of Life begins.
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