by Carol Goodman
Book: Blythewood Author: Carol Goodman Genre: Fiction/Teen Fiction/Supernatural/Boarding School/Fantasy Summary: At sixteen, Avaline Hall has already buried her mother, survived a horrific factory fire, and escaped from an insane asylum. Now she’s on her way to Blythewood Academy, the elite bo...
I appreciate the use of imagery, but the key to using it as a literary device is subtlety. In this book, imagery doesn't gently tap you on the shoulders from behind, it doesn't touch you with a gentle lover's caress. The imagery within this book comes running at you in a Pennywise mask wielding a ch...
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales. Quick & Dirty: Great YA paranormal filled with mystery, romance, and magic. It had a slow start but once it gripped me I couldn’t put it down. Opening Sentence: I heard the bells that morning as I was entering Washington Square Park. The Review: Avaline...
3.5 starsThis was a really slow burn. Really, really, really slow. The big reveal to the "mystery" isn't until about 200 pages in, but it doesn't start moving quickly until about 350 pages. Once it starts moving, I was definitely interested in what was going on. I really liked the ending and I'll pr...
As a proud Blythian, Blytheus would approve of my reading this.