by Drew Hunt
3 stars. It was a nice book, sweet at times. But there was something missing for me. I will read it again some time to see, but for now it is staying at 3.
3.5*I was suprised at how easy and angst-free this story was, from the blurb and the setup I was figuring on a lot of inner or outer turmoil from Brock about being gay or some homophobia from the town towards Calvin.But, nope, didn't happen, and that is actually ok, it was a nice story Calvin who wa...
Sigh. Sometimes when I don't finish a book it's because I'm just not in the mood for it. But sometimes its because there's such a lot of nothing that I'm bored. This was the later case.It was boring. The characters were unmemorable and unlikable, and nothing happened.Now, I'm somewhat experienced in...
Nice read, a smoothly flowing Cinderella - themed story, well written, without much conflict.
*Sigh* Where to start? I'm gonna spell some things out here. To start:Stories need C-O-N-F-L-I-C-T. No conflict? You don't have a story. You have something that resembles a long rambling letter from your Aunt Agatha that boils down to 'we're all good here, how are you'. There is lots of potential he...
A nice lite read. But I do believe this writer will get stronger and is someone to watch.
While I enjoy this angst-free story about a rich New York executive and his handsome cowboy (and guess what, the term of endearment doesn't make me gag! yay!), at the same time I feel like a lot of scenes are repetitive (especially Calvin paying for everything since Brock is practically bankrupt). I...