I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. A great book with many little stories from different authors. A few stories I was drawn to more than others while some I just did not care for. A few I hope will become actual novels like The Beast, The Vampire's Heart, The Rippe...
“How do I stay with him, knowing he isn’t enough? How do I tell him he isn’t enough and not crush him completely?” 4.5 beautiful, bright shining stars. This book was so not what I thought it would be. It blindsided me. Took me totally by surprise and broke my heart. This story had 3 MC's, each of ...
The 50 Greatest Red Sox Games would be better used as a reference book rather than the sort of book you would read in order – that becomes tedious after a while.Cutting down over 100 years of games down to 50 memorable ones was, I'm guessing, not an easy task. There is a list of games at the end of ...