by Nicholas Bella, Heidi Ryan
Dammmmn, that cliffhanger!!! Please don't let us wait for another 3 months... :(I loved that the plot is really thickening!! My favorite moments were with Raphael and Brian together.Brian was still walking around, ready to jump every attractive man or woman for that matter. So that bothered me some....
*4.5 Bellaholic Stars*Damn. Damn. Damn. Another installment down and now another wait. I NEED MORE!!!This series continues to take shape and the storyline is developing quite nicely, I must say, although I am still a little puzzled over the woman on the cover and who she is exactly. *scratches he...
*4.5 Bellaholic Stars*Damn. Damn. Damn. Another installment down and now another wait. I NEED MORE!!!This series continues to take shape and the storyline is developing quite nicely, I must say, although I am still a little puzzled over the woman on the cover and who she is exactly. *scratches he...