City of Angeles is the second book in the trilogy Memoirs of Marlayna Glynn Brown. Continuing her remarkable journey from where Overlay ends, author Marlayna Glynn Brown reveals the underside of a life lived in 1980s Los Angeles. This searingly written, often bizarre story of her teens and...
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City of Angeles is the second book in the trilogy Memoirs of Marlayna Glynn Brown. Continuing her remarkable journey from where Overlay ends, author Marlayna Glynn Brown reveals the underside of a life lived in 1980s Los Angeles. This searingly written, often bizarre story of her teens and twenties reveals the author's flight from the glitz of Las Vegas to the formidable world of self re-invention among the angels and demons populating 1980s Los Angeles. The author unflinchingly begets a self from the unlikeliest beginnings, and now delivers a sequel illustrating both heaven and hell on her continuing flight for self discovery.
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