Comments: 9
BrokenTune 6 years ago
Liking in sympathy only. I am so sorry to hear about your fur baby.
A Voracious Reader 6 years ago
Thank you. It's weird without her.
6 years ago
You already know how sorry I am, but extra hugs couldn't hurt, right? *HUGS*
A Voracious Reader 6 years ago
Hugs are always welcome. Thanks, Char. *returns hugs*
Kitty Horror 6 years ago
I’m so sorry about Snowy. Sending you a virtual hug.
A Voracious Reader 6 years ago
Thank you. I love hugs.
Only liking in support as well. That's a lot of sorrow in your family this year ... so sorry to hear this. And you're so right about having to let a pet go. :(
A Voracious Reader 6 years ago
Ikr?! Our year has sucked ass and not in a good kinky kind of way. Which I'm sure people do, but I've never. Ok, probably tmi, so moving on. I hope 2019 is much better.
Fingers crossed.