Comments: 15
Jessica (HDB) 11 years ago
Well that sucks :(. Who gives a no edit contract anyway? I'm sorry, but no one is perfect.
A Voracious Reader 11 years ago
Exactly. An author who demands a no edit contract is obviously delusional about their own work. LKH created two wonderful worlds with Anita Blake and Merry Gentry then her head blew up to the size of the Universe and the books went to shit with the no edit contract. If I was an editor or publisher I would be embarassed to have my name on this book. It's that bad. The tiny kernel of plot is the only thing that saved it from a DNF for me and a solid 1 star. I still feel extremely cheated. I should have read something else.
Sandi 11 years ago
how did you find out she had a no edit contract?
A Voracious Reader 11 years ago
I honestly don't remember where I found out. It was years ago I discovered it and when I knew which book it started with, it all made sense.
Sandi 11 years ago
Well, shoot! I've got a popular writer with a big publishing company & the editing has been seriously lacking for awhile, whereas before her books were excellently edited.
A Voracious Reader 11 years ago
New contract with editorial restrictions is probably the cause. LKH's new contract came after Obsidian Butterfly which I considered to be her best book in that series.
Sandi 11 years ago
Thanks Carol, have a great week!
Gregor Xane 11 years ago
Looking forward to reading this review.
Olga Godim 11 years ago
I didn't know about the 'no edit' contracts, but it explains some other good writers suddenly becoming bad. I guess, the publishers cut cost this way, hoping the names would sell books regardless of quality, and they are right, to a degree, but not for very long.
A Voracious Reader 11 years ago
I just observed to a friend that I requested this from the library and got it right away. That tells you no one was in the queue waiting for it. On the other hand, I was 164 in the queue for Evanovich's new Stephanie Plum book (I think I'm currently at 120). Now, those books are getting stale, but I still enjoy the fluffy read.
Tami 11 years ago
Oh my, I was considering this, because though I gave up on Anita a long while back (the waist long haired loving chicks with dicks were nauseating), but I so hoped for a repedemption with the return to Merry - I know the last one or two in that series were not up to standard as well, but a girl can hope...
I am looking forward to your review...I am probably staying away from LKH for the rest of her career...
A Voracious Reader 11 years ago
I would say that I'm 100% done with LKH, but I bought the Anita book Affliction last year and haven't had the will to read it yet. Since I bought it, I will read it, but my hopes are not high.
A Voracious Reader 11 years ago
I have written my review. I needed to get this book behind me. I won't have it scheduled until early August though. I'm still creating a review queue.
I gave her up a LONG time ago. Good thing, it sounds like! I am not patient with this sort of garbage. Too many GOOD books, too little time!
A Voracious Reader 11 years ago
Exactly. Unless she allows an editor to do their job then I wash my hands of her.