Cool, glad I could help! I kinda felt like I should have written a little more then I did about the book because it really was pretty good, but I didn't really have drive at the moment. lol
Sometimes, reviews are almost as long as the book, which is why I sometimes spend more time reading about people reading their books, than I do reading my own books! Short reviews are appreciated. (Not to say I won't read your long ones if you feel like writing them.)
And Voracious, always happy to help.
Yeah I hear what your saying some reviews get pretty long winded, but then sometimes I feel like I should have said more about the story, or the characters in order for other readers to make an informed decision on whether to try the book or not.
Whatever works for you at the time. It's sometimes best just to get something down while it's fresh in your mind. I'm about 20 books behind because I wanted to say "more"; but then I forget what all I wanted to talk about anyway, and then I wish I had just gone for the feeling.
The one you wrote here did the job for at least two people so far.
I hate to say it, but I get bored reading a long review. All I really want to know is some quick Pros and Cons of why they liked/disliked it. I can get a good feel of what the book is about just by reading the blurb, but the personal touch can sway me when I'm on the fence about one or bump it up in my TBR if it's a glowing review.
And thanks Red for the freebie mention. I hopped right on over to Amazon to grab it.
And Voracious, always happy to help.
The one you wrote here did the job for at least two people so far.