Comments: 4
Kitty Horror 10 years ago
It feels wrong to like this but I hope BL makes the changes you're comfortable with.
You're definitely on your right to to want to decide who sees your stuff,J. I hope BL realizes that users feedback only improves the general experience.
Thank you all. FB allows pages to be set to friends only, it's not like it's an unreasonable or undoable request. BL would still benefit, both by the value added for those on the person's list and by the book data etc. I DO have an issue with my reviews being public, that's been an issue with me with GR since I started there, but I understand most don't. I want BL to provide the option, until they do they are less safe and "comfy" than GR. But I'd be pleased if they at least started with privacy controls for our blogs, while having reviews still public. That'd be a step in the right direction.

I've heard alot about how much they care about users and how responsive they are. Sorry, I don't think so. With the people lurking and keeping an eye on some in order to take parts of what they say here out of context then plaster them around on the internet making accusations - sorry, I just don't feel comfortable or safe here, and I don't want that to keep happening to us.