Comments: 7
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago
So glad you enjoyed this one. I really liked it. Have you read his Precog in Peril trilogy? I also found it to be quite good.
AnnaLund2011 9 years ago
No I haven't read that! I've only read Weatherboy, which I really liked too. Isn't it great when you find an author who has a whole bunch of books that you can dive into? :-D
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago
Yes it is. He did a short one called 'Four Minutes' which was the first thing of his I'd ever read and is still one of my absolute favorite stories by this author. I also really liked his story Lavender Rose, when I read it, it was free from the author but he has since revised, re-edited and now the book is for sale ($3 on ARe). Actually I'm really excited right now because I see that he's written a sequel to Phoenix Rising which I also really, really liked so now I have another book on my TBR list. Also his book 'A Silence Kept' I really liked that one, it's a ghost story not my thing but this one was definitely worth reading.
AnnaLund2011 9 years ago
yay! so much to read!!! :-D
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago
I know. If this was always the worst problem I ever had. I could die a happy girl.
AnnaLund2011 9 years ago
I hear your pain lol lol lol lol
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago