Comments: 7
Please don't feel pressured to write serious reviews on my account ... I loved this :-) Great gifs too.
"Chuntered", huh ... I've filed that one away for future use.
Bark at the Ghouls 8 years ago
I can't seem to write a serious review anymore. Perhaps I need to chose a serious book ;)
Witty Little Knitter 8 years ago
I have this on my tbr pile as well. Someone recommended it to me as (more or less) thinly veiled 8th Doctor fanfiction. I just stumbled over it again when I cleaned up my e-reader and thought that I should give it a try soon
Bark at the Ghouls 8 years ago
I don't watch Doctor Who. It's one of those things I need to do before I do but where do I start?! Anyway, does he have an assistant/friend/sister/lover named Felicia in that season?
Witty Little Knitter 8 years ago
Well, I started with the new series (that's the episodes with Christoper Eccleston) . The older episodes aren't necessarily bad but...well sometimes old-fashioned and (always) low-budget and that can distract a bit.

I don't remember a companion named Felicity but I'm not an expert (and haven't watched the most recent relationship with the last few series is complicated XD) There might be a not-companion but semiregular-character with that name.
Kitty Horror 8 years ago
Great review, Barks. :D
Bark at the Ghouls 8 years ago
Thanks Kitty :)