I've been reading romances, a biography of the very kinky dude who invented Wonder Woman, and I think I'm about to hit a mystery kick. I'm feeling a bit murderous.
Unplug. the. tv. It's important to stay informed, but not at the cost of your own... centeredness?... and knitting karma. I found tv news to be too riddled with editorials that seem geared at ratcheting up people's fear and anger, so I picked a couple of news outlets that were as objective as I could find and I read them online. Makes it easier to control how much of the "analysis" I'm subjected to at one time.
There's also been a lot of jelly bellys and apple pie in my life lately; I'm not a chocolate fan, so I go for the carbs. :P
Good idea. I think I've had my fill of the news. I think all of the darkness I was reading combined with the news was just too much. I'll pick have to pick up something light and fluffy before reading Snow.
Have you guys seen those sparkly jelly bellys? I got suckered into a big box of those the other day (sale!) and they look all princess and my little pony. But they're jelly bellys, so YUM!. (and they are awfully sparkly pretty, lol.)
I actually try not to watch the first 5 minutes of news as its all political and I just wish certain people could just not talk, I mean seriously just keep their mouths quiet for 24 hours. Is that even possible? So I understand your angry scarf. I feel better just missing those few minutes of news. I am happy to hear that you are productive while watching the news and are able to concentrate, yeah you! Keep calm and pass the chocolate (chocolate malted milk balls, please).
I know my local news broadcast timing so well that I pretty much only tune in for weather and sports at this point. I'm skipping the national broadcasts for the most part.
I've never watched the news until very recently and am getting into the groove of how they operate. I think I'll just stick to local news. That's usually infuriating enough :)
There's also been a lot of jelly bellys and apple pie in my life lately; I'm not a chocolate fan, so I go for the carbs. :P
I'm jealous about the kitting thing though. :)
Ha! Found them: https://www.jellybelly.com/jewel-jelly-beans/c/46
Mine was a mixed box of 6 flavours...
ETA: also, my sister has taken part of mystery swaps with yarn/revolving around knitting. And hockey. Together.