Comments: 12
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
I love that you guys love her. She is one of my best friends. :)
The Book Geek 11 years ago
SHUT UP! That is so cool!!! I would probably be such a pain if I was her friend, hahaha!! Always wanting to know what she was thinking. ^_^
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
Yeah, I started out as her copy editor (I still am), but we became friends since. She was here in Florida in June and we did an author event together and went to Disney. She is the bestest!
The Book Geek 11 years ago
I realized that after talking to you on Twitter, I didn't realize who you were, haha!! Ah, brain. You get teasers, don't you?! You lucky duck! Tell her I said I love Javier, lol.
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
I get more than teasers. ;) I have a copy of Bold Tricks but I haven't been able to read it yet! AGHH. You are Team Javier? Girl, we are gonna have to talk about your sanity. LOL.
The Book Geek 11 years ago
To the first part O__O I want so bad to be your friend, and then you say that.
The Book Geek 11 years ago
The second? PFFFT! Whatevah I don't hear you!! lol! I don't know if I would have been if not for the novella... that, and I really hated the way Cam acted in the second book.
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
LOL!!! I guess every reader is different because I was meh about Camden in the first book but I loved his fiery personality in the second. He wants to take his woman back!
The Book Geek 11 years ago
The way she wrote their first sec scene in Sins was amazballs! I was all like, EROTICA ALL THE BOOKS, after that, hahaha!
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
The barbecue scene? I loveeeeddd it too.
The Book Geek 11 years ago
Yes, dear god, that was - yeah. Mmm'mmmm
Great Imaginations 11 years ago
Hahahahaha! I know! There is a killer sex scene in The Devil's Metal too.