Comments: 9
BrokenTune 10 years ago
BrokenTune 10 years ago
Fair enough. :) Personally, I love the addition of "eh" to anything - and I'm saying that without any sense of sarcasm.
BrokenTune 10 years ago
It does. I'm tempted to make a conscious effort to use it more.
Many years ago I went through a phase when I really liked the word "outwith". At that time, "outwith" was not listed in the OED (it is now) and seemed to be used mainly by Scots. It was great fun using and promoting the word.
10 years ago
I may have to read this to see if I'm being Canadian in the right way! :)
BrokenTune 10 years ago
Parts of it are really good. I have a copy going spare...just saying.
consoul 10 years ago
Funny! :)