Comments: 12
I saw this in Bath with Twiggy as Elvira. Much fun.
BrokenTune 8 years ago
Oh, I bet she was a great Elvira, too. :)
Yep, she was! I have also seen the film a couple of times.

Btw, you are missing a "k" from the first sentence of the main review...
BrokenTune 8 years ago
I know about the k but cannot be bothered to edit right now. I hate typing on the kindle.
Don't worry - it's just an autistic attack of "weak central coherence" on my part.
Murder by Death 8 years ago
Also, it's sort of funny that he's looing for new material. Sounds vaguely unsanitary. :D
BrokenTune 8 years ago
MbD, clearly Gulp has made a big impact on you! ;D
BrokenTune 8 years ago
Fine, I fixed it.
Murder by Death 8 years ago
Boo! Lol... I'll own that Gulp might have affected me. Temporarily, I hope. :D
BrokenTune 8 years ago
I am missing a good non-fiction read at the moment. I think I'll take a break from bingo after this week.
Murder by Death 8 years ago
I've gotten so many new ones this past week and it's *killing* me not to start reading. I almost caved when I received a book about Florida and its crazy natives and they affect national politics; I read the foreword and afterward, but made myself put it back down and get back to the bingo reads. Bingo is SO much fun, but yeah, I'm starting to miss the freedom to impulse read. :)
BrokenTune 8 years ago
Be a rebel! ;)