The only other one by her that I have lined up for the near(ish) future is "The Spoilt Kill". Which one was your 5-star experience again -- "Dead Corse"?
That'll determine then how many Kelly books I'll be getting (besides "The Christmas Egg") … and which ones. Thank you for being such an obliging literary guinea pig …!
You know, stylistically, I liked this book. Kelly could definitely write well. There were even scenes when I was glued to the page. I just have no idea what Kelly was smoking when she came up with the plot, or rather plots, in this one.
This one was closer to Dead Corse, but Dead Corse so just much better...and actually had a plot I could follow.
The Christmas Egg was a detective story. Dead Corse wasn't in that the MC was an employee at the crime scene who just happened to be engaged as an amateur sleuth.
The Spoilt Kill is the one I originally wanted to read this weekend, but have now postponed (to probably next week).
The Christmas Egg was a detective story. Dead Corse wasn't in that the MC was an employee at the crime scene who just happened to be engaged as an amateur sleuth.