Comments: 27
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Thank you! I actually have updated versions of the first two with the series name as well, but I chose the wrong ones (and you know how long it takes to edit something now....). The writing is going slowly, as it usually does over the summer. My kids aren't young enough to constantly need me, but I don't write well with distractions. Once they start school in two weeks, I should be able to move along pretty well because I have been able to get a great amount of research completed.
Tannat 8 years ago
Is it sad that I didn't know there was a Mary II?

I like the overall layout with the rosary (plus the colours and weighting), but I'm not sure about the tildas surrounding the 3 in the series at the bottom. Because of the width and slant of the wide W, it looks like it's off-centre even though I know it's not. Sorry, it's a bad idea to ask my opinion on design. It lets my inner neurotic out...(if it were up to me, I'd also make the gap between the edge and the horizontal line the same on all books). Perhaps an alternative would be to use Plantagenet Embers I, II, & III? *ducks*
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
No need to duck! That's why I ask. :-)
I really debated on how to add the series with so much text already on the cover. Roman numerals probably would look better. I might try it. I don't know why the scrollwork isn't in the same position on all of them. That has bothered me too, but I guess I never thought to have it changed. It's probably dumb, but I feel bad asking for changes.

I have to figure out when to upload the new covers for paperback too, because Kindle just changes without a problem but the paperback is unavailable for sale while any changes get approved. It's these little time wasting things that drive me crazy!
Tannat 8 years ago
The scroll thing is very minor; I mentioned it to illustrate the level at which I was looking at things. Actually, even if you just dropped the second tilda, so that it read "Plantagenet Embers ~ 3" it would probably look more centred (part of my problem is that the tilda itself doesn't have much "weight" so it's hard to see it).

Ok, I opened up the previews (from the side of your blog) and the tildas on the "1" are just wonky. Why are they all the way up there? They're practically in the clouds!

ETA: It doesn't sound dumb; I'd probably be totally awkward asking for changes.
Tannat 8 years ago
Um...hang on, is that rosary made properly? It seems to have different numbers of beads...did they used to make them differently?
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Ugh, you're right about the tildas on the other one. I am going to ask them to do the Roman numerals. As for the beads, I don't think the person who made that image has any idea how many beads are supposed to be on a rosary. I had to remind them to add the crucifix, but I didn't think anyone would count the beads!
Tannat 8 years ago
lol...I didn't try until my subconscious thought something was off. Actually, it was the placement of the "roses" since I originally assumed those were supposed to be the large beads...and then that didn't work. Admittedly, there are "non-standard" rosaries. I thought this one looked cool:

If anyone ever brings it up, just say "it looked cool" because it does.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
You're right, the roses are supposed to be the larger beads. I sent them a few examples that I wanted different features from - how they were laid out, the colors, the roses - and this was what they came up with. I do think it looks cool, but I also don't think the designer is Catholic. ;-)
Tannat 8 years ago
They just didn't think it through. :)

Also, can you imagine jabbing your thumb with that green rose stem or whatever it is?
Murder by Death 8 years ago
On the off chance you mention it (I think it looks cool as-is, and I'm RC and didn't notice), it's 5 sets of 10 small beads, 1 big, and the single strand is one bead/three beads/one bead. (Beads don't have to be different sizes, just spaced in that order.)

But as I said, I thought it looked cool as-is.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Thanks! I'm going to get the number issue changed but leave the image because that involved another person and more headache....
Tannat 8 years ago
Perfectly understandable, and as everyone keeps telling you, it does look cool.
Murder by Death 8 years ago
I really like it! Very nice.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Awesome! Thanks :-)
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
They have won! Thanks for ringing in on this. :-)
Olga Godim 8 years ago
I like your covers. Minimalist and tasteful.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Thank you!
Elentarri's Book Blog 8 years ago
Very pretty covers, and a matching set as well. I agree about putting in Roman numerals. You really should get the scroll work even for the paperbacks, otherwise the set will look "funny" if they are all lined up on a shelf. I wouldn't feel bad about having the designer redraw aspects of the cover. Since you are paying them for their services, they should deliver a product you are happy with.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
You're completely right! I shouldn't feel bad. I may ask for that to be fixed as well. Thanks!
Elentarri's Book Blog 8 years ago
Look at it this way - graphics are easier to fix these days than in the past, simple because everything is done on the computer. It shouldn't be a major issue to move a block up or down a few millimeters. Or stick in a few extra beads, as the case might be.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Right again. I will be assertive. :-)
Just saw this post -- here's my Jeannie-Come-Lately "love it, too"! (As is ...)
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Thanks! The only thing I had changed was the Roman numerals & getting the scrollwork lined up. That's more for the paperbacks & I have to decide how to go about making that change because Amazon makes the books unavailable for sale while they're being edited. :-/
Wow. They must have a LOT of authors who just upload something halfl-finished and then go on making it up as they go along ... (or people complaining about this sort of behavior.) That's a real shame.

Anyway, I'm glad it's essentially staying the way it is now!