I've been afraid to reread this one because I thought I might be more critical of it now, but perhaps I should give it a shot. I still haven't gotten around to the second one despite owning it (or because I own it?) but with a third one coming out I should try to make time for it. Maybe we could add the second book as one of the More Historical Than Fiction reads? Or is it too fiction?
The first one made me want to go out and find books on cathedral building.
I was worried too. I hated the idea of it not living up to my memories. I have the second one on hold (on audiobook) as well. It wasn't as good as the first one, as I recall, but I don't remember it as well. Then again, I've seen other reviewers say that they liked it more, so what do I know? ;-)
The first one made me want to go out and find books on cathedral building.