Comments: 8
8 years ago
That set looks great!
Debbie's Spurts 8 years ago
Yes, it really does look great!
Very nice!
Tannat 8 years ago
Ok, that looks pretty cool. I'm impressed! :)
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
Thanks! I couldn't do it without you guys!
Elentarri's Book Blog 8 years ago
Ooooo! That looks soooo pretty. :) Now you need to get your books printed in a hard cover set like that.
Carpe Librum 8 years ago
That's what Troy said. :-D I wish!
Elentarri's Book Blog 8 years ago
Have you tried approaching publishers or agents or however it works? Especially since you now have 3 finished products and a bunch of reviews and hopefully sales? They don't even have to fork out on the cover art since you have already done that? I've come across a few self funded/ crowd funded books recently and I don't see why you shouldn't give it a go?