Comments: 5
Familiar Diversions 10 years ago
I would think that, if BL removed the listing, it would also be gone from your shelves though, so relying on BL (or Goodreads) as a catalog of your fanfic reading isn't necessarily a good idea if there's even a chance they might later remove the work. Also, it'd be a good idea to list the title and author of the fanfic in your post title or at least in the review itself, because removing the listing would probably also remove the cover image/link at the top left of the review post.
Charmingly Euphemistic 10 years ago
Definitely a good point. I will try to remember to include all of the info in my reviews in case the listing disappears.
Charming I do not do fanfic reviews, but it is good to remember why I do not review at Goodreads anymore :(.
Charmingly Euphemistic 10 years ago
Yeah; they'll erase your stuff whenever they feel like it.
Mammarella 10 years ago
great news! I read more and more fanfics, especially now that the final Hobbit is out ...and Thranduil/Smaug pairing is all over the place - lol

On a serious note, tho, make sure to backup every other week and keep an eye on book count :(