I would seriously be upset too. I'm liberal, and pro-choice. If I read that I'd think I'd toss the book and rage for awhile. I'm impressed at how self restrained you were writing that review.
Awe, sorry you had such an upsetting experience. I think you did an awesome job writing this review though, and you were probably a lot more kind than I would have been with my trucker mouth. I can tell you I would not want to read a story with that kind of message, because it would be something that I too would be upset about. Hopefully this review can help save some other people from an equally unsettling preach fest if that's not their cup of tea.
I hate "hidden agendas" in books! Hate, hate, hate them. I'm religious, but I do not like someone sneaking in their religious or personal views sideways into a story line without fair warning. The reader should be given a choice. That happened to me last year reading a book - you can't "manipulate" me into coming over to your point of view. I got worked up just reading this. I can't *stand* that.
There's nothing wrong with your review. As a matter of fact, thank you for the buyer beware.
I have no issues with religion or social issues or sexuality in books ... but when it comes across as preaching and judgement in the disguise of a story ... I'm with you -- HATE IT. All in all it really was too bad, because despite the slightly amateurish flavor to the book, it did show promise. The author wants to continue the story but I for one will NOT be picking up any sequels. Thanks for your comment.
I had a similar reaction to a dystopian book I was very excited about but DNF'd last year and I wish there had been a review to warn me about it's hidden agenda before the author was hitting me over the head with it. I don't need to agree with a viewpoint to read a book, but knowing ahead of time is helpful, especially when there is no subtlety in execution.
All this to say, I appreciate you taking the time to write an honest, balanced review of this book.
Loved your review. There is nothing wrong with calling a book out on reasons such as this. I cannot stand "preach fests" (as 99 problems calls it) and would be glad to be given a heads up on books that contain them.
You wrote a great review. Just the description and the cover would call me to but I don't know if I would have continued reading it with all the points that you pointed out.
It was only 40 pages and while I knew it would not be getting 5 stars I did want to give it a faor shot. Had it been book length it would definitely have been a DNF
It's not the agenda as much as it is the fact that the author thinks she HAS to bludgeon you with it. What? She thinks you aren't smart enough to recognize her pro-life stance without being smacked repeatedly with a 10 lb hammer? I think you're smart enough, the author however...
I read this book and while I understand your view (anger) I totally disagree. This book in my opinion gave insight on a mother's choice and supernaturally a infant anger that had no choice. This is fictional novelette not the bible. I enjoyed it.
I have also read this book and can see why you had your opinion; thought I completely disagree. This book was not trying to force anybody to have certain beliefs. From my interpretation (and even the reviews), the author's purpose was to get the reader to sympathize with both Patrica and Bernard. The author never said anything about the abortion being wrong or right; but instead, she gave the reader a scenario (obviously this varies from person to person) and the after effects from her character, Patrica, own postpartum depression experience. Not everybody experiences the negative effects of this, but the author wanted her main character to experience it (and did not force it). Both Patricia and Bernard can be considered the protagonist or antagonist based off the readers views of pro life. The book has nothing to do with religion and again, Ms. Sylvia is not trying to force her beliefs based off what I read.
I had the exact same reaction as you when I had to review this book. I got it from Luxury Reading and posted my review here: http://luxuryreading.com/thebabynorman/ . I seriously suspect that the 5 star ratings are all coming from the author's friends or maybe even fake accounts that she made herself.. I have a very hard time believing that anyone would enjoy this book. Horrible premise aside, the writing was just plain bad.
Witch please! You and Holly Madison should not have read the whole book then. You and your following cult can go take several seats. Judgemental heffa. BTW I found this book entertaining.
There's nothing wrong with your review. As a matter of fact, thank you for the buyer beware.
All this to say, I appreciate you taking the time to write an honest, balanced review of this book.