... and then, of course, there's also Quai des Bouquinistes ...

Yes, that's one of the many things I love about Paris. It really is a city of readers.

What a great collection of photos!
You are right ... people had books with them everywhere we went ... the Metro, cafes, and waiting in lines.

Thanks for the comment on the photos ... it was fun trying to not seem like a crazy stalker.
Tannat 8 years ago
I always want to go read outside in the summer, but there never seems to be a great place to do it. Or it seems like too much effort.
My girls and I actually had that very discussion because I feel that way too. For me to go to a park to read I would have to drive there. But these people made the effort and seemed to be enjoying it. My daughters both live in large cities and would definitely go to a park to read or enjoy the outdoors. I think it depends on what's around you - park wise.
Tannat 8 years ago
Ah, see, I wouldn't have to drive, but I haven't really tried to find a good spot in the parks around me. Also, this summer was a bit too hot for it.