You would think authors/publishers/editors would put subheadings or something to indicate whose POV it is, if there is lots of flipping between characters.
Yess to squashing the pandemic's interference with reading! And if this book isn't on my TBR yet, it's going there right now. (I've had my eyes on it for a while either way.)
They're standalones. I wouldn't even call them a series. I heartily recommend putting Uprooted in your TBR, but you definitely don't need to read them in any order.
I second the Uprooted recommendation. I had one friend who didn't like it but I thought it was awesome. Spinning Silver is good but not as good (in my opinion).
Before coming back to BL I was having to force myself to read (and cross stitch)... and do housework. Actually, now that I think about it the only thing #i'll do willingly is surf the web. I can (and do) happily do that all day long (and welll into the night too :) Finding my reading mojo now that I'm back though and seeing everyones updates is helping too.
I can relate! When I try to cross-stitch lately I just end up staring blankly at the pattern for what feels like eternity. Video games and streaming services and random internet silliness have been my sanity lifelines. This last week has been the first time since March that I've felt like reading and actually been able to follow through.
Yep, online games too. I've played Runescape online for over 15 years and can't see me ever tiring of it. Cross stitch is a bit sporadic lately but I've started using Pattern Keeper app so I can use my kindle to mark charts instead of markers and paper and that's working to spur me on with stitching because it's so efficient. It's all just up in the air just now though and day to day it's anyones guess what I'll be in the mood for. For now though I'm doing a little bit of everything else and a lot of the interweb :)
That might be a good way of putting it. I just kept wondering when the book was going to wrap up and it just kept going. I still liked it, but that dropped my rating a bit. I should add that I listened to the audio.
Audio probably would have saved me a lot of confusion. As it was, I started skimming ahead looking for names so I could see whose head I was in. I had trouble distinguishing Miryem from Irina and Wanda from Stepon. Magra was probably the only POV that didn't throw me for a loop every other switch.
At first the reader for the audio is really subtle with her character changes. Once you figure out what she's doing, things move along and start to make a lot more sense.