Comments: 30
SilverThistle 5 years ago
Hope it all goes well for you. I'm sure it will :) I'll be thinking of you and yours and my fingers are crossed you get your action plan sorted swiftly.
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Thank you! :)
Mike Finn 5 years ago
I don't hear any whining. I think you're doing a better job of coping than I would have done in the same circumstances (my God Of Pointless Anger tends to visit me at moments like this and demand attention from everyone). I do think you should grant yourself a more cheerful book :-)

I hope your negative result arrives soon.
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Thanks, Mike! My husband does the God of Pointless Anger thing. I've got more of a Goddess of Pointless Anxiety. (Which is why I worry I sound whiny when I'm just processing a personal experience.)

I knew a book about Jane Seymour wouldn't be the cheeriest reading material, but I am a sucker for all things Tudor and stuff like this is usually a bookish fuzzy blanket for me. I'm just amazed at the timing of getting to the parts about sweating sickness while in the ER to get tested for the modern-day plague. I mean, what are the odds?
Bookish Blerd 5 years ago
I hope everything turns out all right.
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Thank you! :)
Emerjas 5 years ago
I hope you get a negative test result back soon!
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Thank you, Emerjas!
Definitely neither privileged nor a whinge. What an awful day -- anybody who'd go through that and NOT come home totally done in on pretty much every single level would need to have their head, their psychology, and a whole lot of other things investigated. (Not to mention a basic test whether they're human or a robot in disguise to begin with.)

I hope once it's established with medical certainty that you really do have the asthma that your GP already knew you have and not a bout of Covid-19, you can finally get the asthma action plan you were hoping to get in the first place. My commiserations to you and your entire family.

Love the comfort bunny!
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Thanks, TA! Sometimes I wouldn't mind being a robot in disguise (cue the Transformers cartoon theme song!), but I definitely won't need that basic test. I feel almost hungover today.

The ER doc, who was visibly upset that she couldn't do anything for me re: the asthma issues, said she was very sorry I was getting the runaround and if I have any trouble getting into the clinic after my results come back the hospital will call them. But I can't even be mad at the clinic staff. Better to be safe than a community transmission hotspot of disease.
Tannat 5 years ago
That does sound rough and anxiety inducing, although I'm with Mike that fuzzy-blanket feelings aside, maybe a different book for just today may have been better?

Oh and I love the bunny too!
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Hindsight is 20/20. If I had it to do over again, I'd take something less plaguey. XD
Oh for fox sake.
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
I am so tired. XD
Jennifer's Books 5 years ago
I am so sorry you're having to go through this. I hope your test results come back negative, and that you're able to get an action plan in place to treat your asthma.
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Thank you so much!
Murder by Death 5 years ago
DP you handled that SO much better than I would have; I'd have had a small hissy fit about a GP turning away someone in medical need (it does my head in that they can do that), and I'd have insisted (I'd have tried for politely, but 50/50 as to how I'd fare) on the asthma prescription based on established history before going to the ER. In other words, I'd have gone all princess on them, and it would not have been my best moment. I'm not even going to speculate on how badly I'd have handled the swabs. You should absolutely pat yourself on the back for your grace under pressure.
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
I was too bewildered to be angry. Maybe that will come later. But you know what? I think maybe today I won't fight the urge to do some online retail therapy.
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Blarg, never mind. USA Foods is totally out of Goldfish Crackers and all the good Pop Tart flavors. :'(
Murder by Death 5 years ago
They had a short lived free shipping thing a few days ago - it probably was the impetus for the inventory wipe-out; I *almost* went on a binge myself, just before the free shipping thing, and they had all the pop-tart flavours in stock - even the unfrosted ones, which being a weirdo, I like - but I held strong against the processed food calling out to me. Plus, what I really want is the Pillsbury crescent rolls, and they won't deliver those to me, and I'm too lazy to go across town to pick them up. :p
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Aw, nuts. Free shipping would have been nice. I should have timed my need for retail therapy better. And boo to them for not shipping the crescent rolls! You shouldn't have to go across town just because the biscuit tube might explode in the post. XD
Tannat 5 years ago
Wait, the tube might explode in the post?
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
It's basically dough in a lined cardboard tube, and bad things happen if they get too warm. I found a video that's only a slight exaggeration of the possible consequences... ;D
Tannat 5 years ago
I just never really thought about it. :)

Barely an exaggeration, I'm sure...
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Those little suckers can be very temperamental. Sometimes they're Fort Knox and you need a hacksaw to get the dough out, and sometimes they pop open before you can get them home from the grocery store. XD
Elentarri's Book Blog 5 years ago
Lora Hates Spam 5 years ago
Going to the doctor for anything now is a nightmare. Dentist too!
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
I'll have to go back to the doctor as soon as I get clearance, but if going to the dentist is anything like what I went through yesterday, I think I'll just let my teeth rot. :/
Sounds like you and your family are holding it together pretty well, complaining isn't a bad release valve for the tension. Hope you get speedy and good news test results :)
Darth Pedant 5 years ago
Thank you! I've got a good support system here. My sis-in-law volunteered to be our grocery runner for the duration. I hope she doesn't have to be on call for long. :)