Comments: 6
BrokenTune 7 years ago
An excellent review. Thanks for sharing with us.
My Never Ending List 7 years ago
Thanks for the great heartfelt review. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us.
That's what I love about this community -- that people feel they can talk about this sort of personal experience and how it's shaped them and their attitude to ... life, books, healthcare, whatever. Thanks for sharing -- and, yes, I agree; an excellent review.
learn by going 7 years ago
I wonder if her writing in such a detailed manner about the drinks, etc. was a way to indulge her addiction without actually indulging it, if that makes sense? It's something I've noticed in addiction and recovery stories, including films and series.
Person Of Interest 7 years ago
Exceptional review indeed. Thank you. Having lost my older brother to alcoholism this past January, I deeply appreciate your candid disclosure about your own experience with addiction. It helps to hear these stories.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
Excellent review and I love this: "we are all subject to being seduced by the stories we tell ourselves and it might be good, if scary and different, to tell ourselves healthy stories rather than unhealthy ones." If I still cross-stitched, I'd put it on a sampler.