Comments: 3
Mike Finn 7 years ago
Thank you for this review. I’ve never read her work although I’ve seen her come through.ilked your point about not explaining words. Words are never really substitutes for one another. Affiliation. And culture are indicated by word choice. I love to read books where people make different choices than the ones I’m most familiar with.
"So it goes." 7 years ago
Thanks, Mike. She sprinkles Igbo dialect throughout the book, and amazingly without looking it up, you really do start to understand exactly what she means without any footnotes or running to the computer. (I did try, the first time, to see if Kindle would help me, but they don't do translations apparently in this one.) No matter, b/c it works. What amazes me is that authors are always told to change their books for American audiences, and she didn't do that, and this book was more than a respectful first novel for an unknown from Nigeria. I love that she, apparently, stood her ground or had an excellent editor/publisher.
Mike Finn 7 years ago
Nigeria seems to be producing some very robust writers at the moment. Some of the most exciting science fiction is coming from there and it does not bow its head to American SF traditions.