Wow that's some organizing!
I didn't do any research myself. Just wrote whatever came to my mind, that's why I prefer to write the review as soon as I finish the book.
I really like the way you customized your blog and I remember that I was obsessed with customization too! Now I'm trying to put up a blog at Blogger,as a backup for reviews and bookish stuff in general.
This is why I have a reviewer blog. I joined Netgalley. I'm avoiding them for a while at present because those free books were getting in the way of others I wanted to read, so I'm having a catch up before I go tempt myself again.
I didn't do any research myself. Just wrote whatever came to my mind, that's why I prefer to write the review as soon as I finish the book.
I really like the way you customized your blog and I remember that I was obsessed with customization too! Now I'm trying to put up a blog at Blogger,as a backup for reviews and bookish stuff in general.
I'm looking forward to reading the next part!
Atpt - Yeah, I'm good at organizing. It the actual executing where I tend to procrastinate.