Comments: 10
Alyxandra Harvey's books have caught my eye before, but I haven't read any of her stuff yet. I'm intrigued though. I like how you mashed together topics this week!
Got My Book 9 years ago
Thanks. Her stuff is sort of hit or miss for me, but I really liked both the 1st & 3rd books in this series.
1. Tonya Kuper's ANOMALY is my fave underrated SciFi book.
2. I haven't reread City of Bones by Cassandra Clare in awhile, especially with the tv show filming season 2.
3. I don't believe in not reviewing for the best book. If you feel like it's the best, why not review it?
4. You wrote a comment on my blog, so I thought I'd return the favor. I love your idea of mashing up several rewind posts in one blog. Fun!!

Got My Book 9 years ago
I will check out Anomaly.
I definitely will review these books as soon as possible; but as a new blogger who owns hundred of audiobooks, it's going to take time to get to them all.
Thanks, I thought the mashup worked well.
Wendy (guest) 9 years ago
All of these sound good, and I really like how your " if you like..." comments give a good feel for tone and genre without veering into spoiler territory. (And as you know, I have a pretty low threshold for those!) (Wendy @ Falconer's Library)
Got My Book 9 years ago
Thanks. I am currently experimenting with some different templates for my various kinds of post. I think I really like this one.
Oh goodness, you're like me with your reviews scheduled all the way into 2017, haha. I'm not quite that far out yet, but I'm into October now, and I still have books from last year that I haven't reviewed yet. So many books, so little time in the schedule!
Got My Book 9 years ago
It actually wasn't hard. I am so new that I have a large list of owned books I still want to review. They aren't written yet, so that will be the hard part. And I will probably be bumping some of them for newer books.
Rissi JC (guest) 8 years ago
All of these are new to me with exception of 'Paranormalcy' which I've been meaning to read for a LONG time now. Glad to see it on this list. :)

Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.
Got My Book 8 years ago
I really like Paranormalcy, it is fun. Thanks for the return visit.