I haven't been reading a lot of MG but I have a few I'm fond of. I'll see if they're on audio and if they are, I'll nominate them. And I've got The Wanderers up next as a shifter book, but I don't know if has explicit stuff or not- I'll try to remember to let you know when i'm done if it's clean.
I don't read a lot of middle grade, though I am reading the Captain Underpants series with my son right now (I don't think it's MG though). We're enjoying it :D 12 posts in one week is great! I decided not to do Blog ahead this year because October is going to be so busy for me. When we get back from vacation this week, I'll do my own mini-blog ahead though. I try to stay about a month ahead on memes (i.e. Waiting on Wednesday, Top Ten Tuesday) if I can and prep posts for books I plan to read during the month so I just have to enter my review. It doesn't always work out that way though. Hope you have a great week and more nomination come in. Happy reading :D
My Sunday Post
Thanks. I think Captain Underpants is Elementary rather than MG, but I'm not sure. I have some extra time off this week, so it's not really so great; but I'm happy with it. I am trying to figure out how I can speed up the reviewing process. I have a template, but that's it so far.
Sorry there haven't been many nominations, but it sounds like you're doing great on Blog Ahead! I'm not participating, but I just try to stay as ahead as possible.
Wow lots of great books you picked up. Hope you enjoy.
As for reading next, I just wing it. If I've got a review book I'll put that up first, but it just depends on my mood as to what book or author I go to next. I never had a plan ^_^
I've not participated in a blog ahead. I'm pretty good at keeping my calendar full and set. I'm always waiting for tour post materials which sometimes don't arrive until the day before (really dislike that) prefer a week up to three days, but it doesn't always happen that way. =/
I usually have more idea of what I am going to be reading, but right now I have a longish list since I am trying to get ahead before I start Cybils reading.
Congrats on Blog ahead, that's great!
I hope you get some more nominations for the awards soon.... Fingers crossed.
But well done on Blog Ahead!
My Sunday Post
As for reading next, I just wing it. If I've got a review book I'll put that up first, but it just depends on my mood as to what book or author I go to next. I never had a plan ^_^
I've not participated in a blog ahead. I'm pretty good at keeping my calendar full and set. I'm always waiting for tour post materials which sometimes don't arrive until the day before (really dislike that) prefer a week up to three days, but it doesn't always happen that way. =/
One of the reason I am glad not to do tours.