Comments: 8
yes, and yet I do it anyways... sometimes i just have to tell myself that there's nothing wrong with going to sleep.
Lol its what I plan on doing tonight. I had to do the dishes first (which sucked) and decided to do a bit of exercise (which went pretty pathetically,lol) now I'm in bed patting Saberpuss and bout to go nod off. Hoping for good dreams *fingers crossed*
I could never hate reading. lol

But sometimes its hard to go to sleep.Especially when my cat is sleeping in my bed.He has a problem with snoring and his nose makes this whistling sound
Lmao that sounds adorable and hilarious. Saber is pretty cool he's a longer cat and there for doesn't demand much beyond food. Though he does have the problem of waking me in the morning with his foot -_- I wouldn't be classified as a morning person. Lol.

I have the problem of my brain always coming up with fantastic ideas when I'm trying to sleep - though sometimes they just seem good, there have been times when I have gotten up and written down my thoughts. In the mornivng I'll read them and sometimes I'm like wtf that makes zero sense, is that even in English? Lol. At those times I think I'm more tired than I realize.
Hehe Saber is a cool name..must be a cool cat too.

Mine whacks me in the head to get me up. If that doesnt work he starts knocking over things on my nightstand. Once I had emptied my pockets of change and woke to the sound of coins swishing through the air.

Well you know if you stay up long enough..first you will feel tired but then youll get this horrible a burst of energy. Its very strange.

Maybe youve written something really great if you only could decipher them.
Saber takes life very casually. i tried to get my housemate to call her cat War or Pestilence.... cause come on. Saber and War. sounds badass. lol. would of been hilarious.

LOL. Saber just constantly prods me in the face with his foot - usually my eye. if that doesnt work he'll use his nose. which is about when i start hiding my head under the blanket so he stars meowing. SOOO annoying. lol.

haha maybe. maybe my half awake scribbling's is just to complex for my fully awake mind to understand and take it.....
LOL. i wish that would be awesome! though you should try it sometime... see what your sleep deprived mind comes up with
It would have been cool with those names! I have a friend who have two black cats named Lilith and Lucifer.

Does he meow in that "i will die if you dont get up"? then you have my sympathies lol

Oh when I get tired I end up writing rambling commens all over the place or I draw something.wich I like when I do it. But when I have slept I Think "oh no this is horrible..why did i create something this crappy?!"

Lol that's wicked.

Saber has a really soft high pitched meow. There's even been times when I cont even here it and the only way I can tell is cause his mouth is randomly opening and closeing. Lol.

Lol I think its great. Though not all my late night ideas are terrible. The other night I thought of making a collage of all the fun things and new friends I made last year and hanging it on my wall.. which I think would be fun and something nice to look at. Especially when I'm having a bad day or something.
though next time I write something rubbish I might post it. Then we can all laugh over my crazy sleep deprived brain. Lol