Comments: 6
Kaethe 11 years ago
Indeed, Hitler is a ubiquitous time-stream check.
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
I wonder if this title has anything to do with the book "Three Men in a Boat, to Say Nothing of the Dog?"
Kaethe 11 years ago
Yes, yes it does. She dedicates the book to Heinlein who introduced her to Jerome in Have Spacesuit, Will Travel. It has a tremendous amount to do with Three Men in a Boat.
Sock Poppet at Play 11 years ago
That is really interesting, Kaethe. I'm going to read this book.
Kaethe 11 years ago
I'm on page 24. This is one of my comfort reads. I love this silly book.
it is silly but at the moment (60% done) i'm struggling. I am annoyed by the characters, their repetitive actions and weird behaviour. I feel like there is no progress and I'm starting to not care anymore...not good. Besides, this whole time travel stuff is starting to give me a headache.