Comments: 19
wut??? I'm stealing that gif BTW
I want it!
Kaia 11 years ago
Calm yourself Grim!
I'm loving the dinoporn. This shit is hilarious. Plus, if I can't have dinobot secks, I will gladly take just plain old dinoporn.
Kaia 11 years ago
But it's weredino BDSM. Based on FSoG. Why would you want to do that to yourself? Can you just read fanfiction? There has to be dinobot porn out there, it's the internet. If you can think it up, there's porn of it.
It's harder to find than you'd think, and this shit sounds like it would make me laugh. So much.
Grim! Go to the Amazon page and check out the author's other titles!!!
SilverThistle 11 years ago
Reading Wolf 11 years ago
Jurassic Park meets FSoG. This has to be a comedy.
Batgrl: Bookish Hooha 11 years ago
I am SO loving the badger gif!
Rashika, The Book Owl 11 years ago
and you're sure this isn't satire?
*head desks*
Although I DO like the Gif
silverneurotic 11 years ago
You know it's terrible when honey badger gives a fuck.
Kaia 11 years ago
Right? My husband and I are both wondering what that badger saw.
But it's more horrific not knowing, and supplying more and more horrifying images, each one out-horrifying the previous image.

Sometimes less is more.
Batgrl: Bookish Hooha 11 years ago
I'm wondering if the badger didn't just see the person holding the camera until that moment - which now means I'm going to have to go look up badger eyesight. I thought of that because I had a similar run-in with an armadillo which didn't see me, and then jumped about 4ft straight up in the air when I startled it. To this day I am still sad that I didn't have a working camera with me.
Kaia 11 years ago
Badgers are crazy-go-nuts though. I don't think a person with a camera would scare one that badly. Armadillos are much twitchier creatures.
The badger found out that FSoG outsold all the Harry Potter books. I reacted the same way.