Comments: 2
...Bookfanatic 10 years ago
Glad to see I'm not the only one who isn't 100% into Mr Baldacci. I have a sister who is crazy about his books loves them all and I'm like you. I've read a couple that were excellent, one or two that were ok and then we bombed and I decided I was done with that venture.
Hey you! Yup, I know what you mean. I read 3 of his before eons ago (really liked 'Absolute Power' and 'Winner') and happened to see PB of 'Stone Cold' lying around so figured why not?

The Camel Club series is somewhat unusual in that the main character & his cohorts reached or are nearing 'senior citizen' status. So whilst I love espionage/political thriller stuff as 'palate cleanser', a lot of stuff in the storylines required a fair bit of suspension of disbelief :)