Excellent review. I'm fascinated by such stories, but agree that including political polemics can be a distraction from the real story--the amazing courage, training and perseverance on an individual level. Sounds interesting!
Thank you. I found it a good military memoir and I am humbled by the ethos of the service members involved, some having given the ultimate sacrifice. There is, however, a very negative review on Goodreads by Bob Mayer (himself a former SF soldier) that brings up valid points not included in my review (I'd link it-- does HTML work in comments)? I do agree with Mayer-- the whole thing was (to use a military technical term) a goatf_ck. But on the other hand, I empathize with Luttrell and believe that he is sincere. I think that perhaps this was one of the best tributes he could have given to the lost brothers he loved. The book is entitled "Lone Survivor," yet he does not discuss "survivor's guilt" in the text, although I know that is a huge part of it. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I am certain the physical hardships the Luttrell endured are nothing compared to the psychic trauma he lives through every day.