Comments: 6
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
If Freading is like other services, it's the same process of authorizing your nook via Adobe Digital editions and borrowing the ePub formats. There's an overdrive app for some of the later nook tablets but that's easier to just read directly from the overdrive app than to deal with loaning to the device itself.

If returning a book early, it took me a bit to catch on that first I had to return he book to the Adobe Digital Editions software then from within ADE return to library,
Familiar Diversions 11 years ago
My Nook, being an e-ink reader, doesn't do apps - plus, I heard the Freading app is awful. I think I'll just need to plug my Simple Touch into my computer, get ADE to authorize it, and then sideload the book via ADE. That's how it worked with my last 1st Edition, although I messed up the authorization on that one.

As far as turning stuff in goes, I don't even need to worry about that. The neat thing about Freading is that each available book can be checked out by an unlimited number of library users at a time, so having it checked out doesn't tie up the book and prevent others from reading it. The only limit is whether users have enough tokens to check out the book. From that point on, you have the book for two weeks, unless you renew it (for a lesser number of tokens, or, for some titles, possibly for free).
11 years ago
Ooh, time travel! On my tbr now.
SilverThistle 11 years ago
I've got that one here somewhere, it sounds so good. My daughter has it on dvd too. It's anime, I think... Haven't got around to watching that either, yet :)
Familiar Diversions 11 years ago
I have the anime movie, but haven't watched it yet. I've heard good things about that one. I've seen the live action movie (or one of them - I think there are several), and it was terrible, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that this is one of those cases where the book is better.
willaful 11 years ago
Congratulations! It should be fairly simple to use your Nook. (The operative word being "should.") I've been using a new library service, Axis360, and was relieved that it's just the usual for ADE epubs. (Their other formats are quite another story!)