I feel you, Lisa. I live in Jakarta and every single time I will bitch and moan about this city. I would never recommend a friend from abroad to come to Jakarta and be tourist. Go to Bali, Lombok, Yogyakarta, but not Jakarta. There's nothing here...
But then a week ago I found a post about places in Jakarta that I didn't even know, and actually looked pretty good for tourist. Maybe I should start looking for those hidden treasure in my own city after all.
I'm stoked that J.A. is visiting! And it's so true about never doing the fun stuff in your own town. I think we get bogged down in working, and commuting, and the usual everyday stuff that we never look at the place through fresh eyes. I live five minutes from the ocean and can't remember the last time I went to the beach. Crazy!
Don't be too jealous, Karma! We can't actually swim in that water since it's full of jellyfish. We have to swim in netted enclosures, but luckily we have plenty of those!
I did something like that last year when a friend a came to visit - we had a blast because we discovered a lot of things that I didn't know about either - and it's not a big town! So, at times my friend (who had the guide book) would become the tour guide. Since then I have made a point of taking time once ever month to explore my town/local area and find out about things I didn't know.
But then a week ago I found a post about places in Jakarta that I didn't even know, and actually looked pretty good for tourist. Maybe I should start looking for those hidden treasure in my own city after all.
Aww for J.A. Rock to come to you!!