I have had the first book of this series in my TBR pile since forever....
Everyone raves about it so I'm not sure why it's taking me so long to get to it. Well, apart from all the other books on the TBR pile that keep distracting me, of course.
I shall try and read the first one before the end of the year...failing that I shall make it my New Year Resolution for 2014 and on until I get to it lol :D
I have a lot of books on my shelves that my friends fangirl about. I've yet to read Marchetta and that's mostly because I'm terrified of being the one person on the planet not to lurve her.
It's addicting - I've re-read 3-4 times a year while they were being released, and then again after Shadowfever, and now this year. So that's about 14 times I've re-read each of them. For a while I only read the Fevers, Nalini Singh and J.R. Ward
It's honestly an incredible, intricately planned series I've ever even imagined.
Everyone raves about it so I'm not sure why it's taking me so long to get to it. Well, apart from all the other books on the TBR pile that keep distracting me, of course.
I shall try and read the first one before the end of the year...failing that I shall make it my New Year Resolution for 2014 and on until I get to it lol :D
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But add a < at the beginning and a > at the end. The code won't show up in here if I add them in.
At the bottom of the code I pasted add:
And add the same < and > around it. Does this make sense?