Comments: 40
Gee, I couldn't have seen this one coming. :P

It's honestly an incredible, intricately planned series I've ever even imagined.
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
There was no way I could put all my feels into a post about it. It'd be a frigging novella. But yes, in short, what you said.
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
Exactly! I'm not sure I can put all my feels about this series into a single, coherent, post. There's too much awesomeness, too much EPIC.
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
MAC AND BARRONS. 'Nuff said!! It's one of my all time favorites too!
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago nom nom
^ Word.
SilverThistle 12 years ago
I have had the first book of this series in my TBR pile since forever....

Everyone raves about it so I'm not sure why it's taking me so long to get to it. Well, apart from all the other books on the TBR pile that keep distracting me, of course.

I shall try and read the first one before the end of the year...failing that I shall make it my New Year Resolution for 2014 and on until I get to it lol :D
Unapologetic Reviews 12 years ago
I think the first book was a big disappointment for me because so many people liked it. Oh well, hope you will!
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
I have a lot of books on my shelves that my friends fangirl about. I've yet to read Marchetta and that's mostly because I'm terrified of being the one person on the planet not to lurve her.
I've had Jellico Road on my Kindle for FOREVER, but I'm just hesitant for some reason...
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
I have three of her books. All of which are giving me the side-eye.
I have Jellico Road on my Kindle too! I'm afraid I'm going to be the one person that hates it as well. LOL
SilverThistle 12 years ago
Duly noted :D
This one is my favorite too!!
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
Noice! *internet high five*
Also, this is off topic, but how did you get it to be a solid box behind your comments?! I changed my background but now comments are so hard to see!
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
I added a line of code, one sec, lemme see if I can find it for you.
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
Hmmm, not letting me paste it correctly. Basically you need to find these lines of code:
{% if isSinglePost and blog.commentsBooklikes %}

try{document.domain="";function commentIframeResize(e){document.getElementById("booklikes-comment").style.height=e+"px"}}catch(err){}try{window.addEventListener("message",function(e){if(e.origin=="")document.getElementById("booklikes-comment")"px"},false)}catch(err){}
{% endif %}
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
Add this line at the top of the code I pasted:

div style="background-color: white"

But add a < at the beginning and a > at the end. The code won't show up in here if I add them in.

At the bottom of the code I pasted add:


And add the same < and > around it. Does this make sense?
Yeah, let me try.... I haven't dealt with html code since my MySpace(*cringe*) days!! lol
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
LOL. Good luck ^_^
Woot woot! Got it. Will this also work for adding boxes behind the toolbar/menu on the left side of the blog? (Where shelves are listed?)
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
It should ^_^
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
Nicole Reads 12 years ago
UNF. Barrons. *hearts* You have excellent taste ;)
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
Why thank you. *internet high five*
dija's reading corner 12 years ago
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
Mwah ha ha. Knew you'd appreciate this!
I have read this entire series twice, and some of the books 3 & 4 times. :-) KMM is the bomb.
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
Agreed. I think I've re-read the series four times now. I
It's addicting - I've re-read 3-4 times a year while they were being released, and then again after Shadowfever, and now this year. So that's about 14 times I've re-read each of them. For a while I only read the Fevers, Nalini Singh and J.R. Ward
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
14?! Dayum. Though to be fair, I could easily see myself doing the same. Jericho Barrons will NEVER get old.
I've been reading them for about...six, or seven years now though. Definitely does not get old ^_^
Still on my to read pile... *crawls under a bed*
Litchick's Hit List 12 years ago
WHAT?! YOU STILL HAVEN'T READ THEM??? *books flight*
*starts digging a hole*