Comments: 18
Tackling Mt. TBR 11 years ago
That's a lovely poem! I think I have this one in the epic TBR. Not sure when or if I will ever get to it.
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
Good luck when you do. Hope it works out better for you than it did me.
XD I can see it didn't go too well for you? Lol. Come on, this book is a bit different! At the very least a stuck-up teenager is, well, a teenager. Like a legit teenager.
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
I couldn't stand her. She was a speshul snowflake. Look at me! I'm so different! And then proceeds to act like every stereotypical teenage girl ever, all while still declaring her differences. Blech. Sorry, I know that you liked this one.
That's precisely why I liked it! Not because she was special, but because she acted like a classic teen-angst case ^^ I read it like a fairly realistic insight into teen life. Which is why the more serious and romantic they got with next parts, the more disappointed I was. This part is her POV, so it works. The moment you switch to Will, it doesn't.
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
Glad I didn't get to that part then.
You're all making me very self-conscious of my reading taste... 0.0 I may need to crawl under the bed and cower in shame.
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
Don't! I honestly blame Unteachable. I think reading any student-teacher book that's similar to that one is going to fall really flat.
My name is Mal
I'm a smart gal
And this book make me think
No thank you, pal.
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
My name is Lexxie
and I think this book is sexy
It's got poems and stuff
and feelings are rough
And I never cried as much as with this
Until I I read the next in the series, that is
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
Ooh, nice one. Glad that it worked out for you! I wish I'd read it before Unteachable. :(
Thanks :) *goes to look for Unteachable just to see what it's about*
Tackling Mt. TBR 11 years ago
I just bought Unteachable because of your review, Litchick! And also because it was on sale for 99c.
rtm 11 years ago
Can't stop laughing. fa la la la la?? LMAO!
Kindle Euphoria 11 years ago
LOL, Someone's bitchy review actually stopped me from reading this when it came out. It was detailed and they put up so much truth, I had to agree with them. We do have similar tastes. LOL
I'm scared. I have one of hers free...
No More Booklikes, BYE 11 years ago
My name is Yoda I don't drink soda I'm not a poet and I know it Can't write rhyme Speshul souls, no time