Comments: 3
Abandoned by user 12 years ago
Read the spoiler. Pretty sure I snagged this as a freebie at some point. I may just delete it. Also, what is Cilmeri?
Lyndi 12 years ago
The location of the battle in which Llywelyn, Prince of Wales dies. When Meg explains to him that she's from the future, she (for some reason) decides to tell him when, where (Cilmeri), and why he's going to die. The next book in the series is 14 years later, where Meg's son (Prince of Wales' kid from the past/future) and daughter (from previous marriage) time travel and save Llywelyn from this death (somehow). That's all I can gather from blurbs and reviews, which make the story sound ridiculous. Still raging.
Lyndi 12 years ago
If you read just the blurbs for the books in this series, you can see how ridiculous it gets. I wanted to see Meg and Llywelyn end up together, but I don't think I can suffer through that much nonsense to get that HEA.