Comments: 4
RedT Reads Randomly 11 years ago
Really good review. Thanks.
And thanks to you, this book that I'm sure I would otherwise never have heard of is on my TBR shelf.
Merle 11 years ago
Thank you, and I'm glad to hear that! I'm surprised this book is as obscure as it is. It's better than a lot of more popular 19th century novels I've read.
bookaneer 11 years ago
Great review! I don't think I'd ever even heard of the author.
Merle 11 years ago
I hadn't either till luckily running across this on GR. Now I see his name a lot when people list "other Victorian authors," but it's not a context that piques anyone's interest.

And thank you! I find five-star reviews (which this really is) damn hard to write so it always takes months of procrastinating first.