Comments: 6
SilverThistle 11 years ago
I used to lap up his stuff in my teen years but he lost his touch in the drug 'n booze years, IMHO. Needful things was (I think) the last of his that I read and the others afterwards just didn't interest me. Salem's Lot, IT and The Stand are amongst my favourite books ever.
11 years ago
I really liked this one as a teen too.
Mikela 11 years ago
This was never one of my favorites either but I decided to start with his earliest and work my way up to the most current. My favs were Salem's Lot and The Stand too.
11 years ago
I highly recommend 11/22/1963 when you get to the modern stuff.
Mikela 11 years ago
I heard it was pretty political and King and I don't agree on much there so I haven't been in a hurry to get to that one.
11 years ago
I suppose it deals with Kennedy's politics, which is unavoidable given the nature of the plot. Most of it is the difficulties in dealing with time travel paradox and the question of changing a major historical event.