Comments: 8
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago
I saw what you did there. I'll to check this one out. I'm not usually fan of political books but maybe this one will be different?
well, it has politics in it and a gubernatorial race, and that's important to the plot, but it's not a distraction. And holy hot boysecks, Batman!!
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago
Sounds good sign me up. I shall add it to my TBR list.
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago
Oh I am a truly sad puppy...apparently I already own this one, oh well on the upside that just means I need to read it :)
yes, yes, read it!!!
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago
I've added it to my e-reader and will hopefully get to read it sooner rather than later...I seem to have these ARCs that my little grabby hands keep wanting...willpower I has none...seriously none, zero, zip, nada, zilch....
I have that same affliction... :)
...Bookfanatic 9 years ago
It's good to have company.