11 years ago
Five full stars, huh. All right, then!
*on the TBR pile*
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook
11 years ago
Yeah, it really tugged on my heartstrings. Plus character growth and self-search and realizations of truths... it really blew me away. YMMV.
11 years ago
It sounds amazing.
Heidi Hart
11 years ago
I never read m/m, but this sounds intriguing....
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook
11 years ago
It's very different from the usual M/M. Deeply explored, flawed characters, a bit of BDSM, and menage. And it's not as kinky as you might think from the blurb. It's really all about the characters and how their interact, and their emotional bonds.
Romances and more...
11 years ago
Sounds like a keeper. Will check it out.
11 years ago
I have this on my e-reader waiting to be read, it may have to be next.
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