Comments: 1
Nataša Pantović 4 years ago
"In 1887, a local Egyptian woman has uncovered a cache of over 350 stone carved tablets written in cuneiform. From 382 tablets: to be precise, 350 were letters. over 40 of them were discussing legal matters and they speak of the religious reform led by this Egyptian Ruler: to Babylonia, to Assyria, to Mittani, to Arzawa, Alashia and Hatti. Today, these most ancient, carved in stone booklets are scattered in the museums all over the world. Just for the history lovers, the timing does correspond to the timing of Moshes 10 commandments (around 1400 BC). Several letters date back to the rule of Akhenaten’s father, Amenhotep III (1390 – 1353 BC), were among those found at Amarna...."