Comments: 9
Great review hun! I feel like this is the only "big" John Green novel I've missed. I need to pick it up some time!
NerdyBirdie 10 years ago
Haha, I think all of John Green's novels are a must! But I liked this one more :) Hope you enjoy it when you do read it!
I hated this novel primarily because of Margo. So much so that my review is mostly a rant about how she ruins everything. I'm glad you managed to get beyond that and still like the rest of it enough to really enjoy it; the other characters are good but Margo caused me to hit Umbridge-level hatred for the first time in a *long* time, and it ruined the whole story for me. :(
NerdyBirdie 10 years ago
Oh thanks, Primrose! I seriously thought I was the only one who disliked Margo. A lot of people told me how great her thinking was, you know? And I just saw her thinking, well, just about herself and what she wanted. I think that I managed to look past Margo because she wasn't in this book a whole lot, lol. :D
I was fortunate enough not to read anything praising her thinking, which is good for my blood pressure, I'm sure. Because yes, I also thought she was super selfish throughout. :x
NerdyBirdie 10 years ago
Thank you for commenting on my review, edwarddrobinski! I'm glad to see you're a fan, and unfortunately I found out about John Green through The Fault in Our Stars. I think I would've enjoyed this more if not for the hype. :D