I'm kind of hoping Twin A decides to start throwing up today. There's an in-service at work tomorrow I really don't want to go to. Both myself and the other adult in the house are required to go since we both work for the same school district and right now we are left with nobody to watch our little blonde people.
The other adult in my house is still whining about his tooth and the whole side of his face is swollen. I don't think I need to have a vomiting child. I think he will be staying home tomorrow which means he gets the kids.
Our base library was in the same shape as your children's school is until we started making noise publicly and the commanders and media got wind of it. Other branches within our command do so as well, and behold, money was made available for the express purpose of bringing our buildings up to code. I hope our patrons see the improvements and take pride (and more importantly use) their local base libraries.
I guess I just don't see why it's such a hard decision. We are trying to get the kids out of two old elementary buildings into one new, bigger campus. One of the elementary schools has an entire condemned floor that can't be used until the asbestos and fungus (I can't say the "m" word because it's never been officially documented.) are cleaned up and the whole floor is brought up to current fire code. The other building has wires hanging out of the ceiling tiles because the infrastructure was too old to support the technology updates we had to do. It also can't get running hot water. I just don't understand why people are content to let their children learn in these conditions. Ugh!
She sure did. As soon as someone told her, "No. You can't have that." She immediately decided that was exactly what she needed and there would be no stopping until she got it.
Sorry to hear you're sick. Hope you all feel better soon. :)
Hope you feel better.